These photos were taken between 01-18-15 and 12-10-15. You
may well wonder what happened to 2014. That was the year we went
to England and France with our four youngest grandchildren. You
can see photos and a video at:
Grandpa's photos of England and France The password for the photos on Photobucket is "Grandpa"
Isabelle's photos of England and France
Sofi's photos of England and France
Our trip to England and France 2014, the video
On with 2015.

Eric with Chai

Sandra, Chai, and Isabelle

Sofi made this cake for her mom's birthday.

Judy goes to an annual bridge reunion in San Diego each January. Here are Bonnie and Debbie with mimosas.

In February Grammy and Grandpa went to Goat Rock on the coast to enjoy the sunshine and the ocean.

Francisco, Isabelle, and Sandra in February.

March 1, 2015. Celebrating Isabelle's and Francisco's birthdays.

March 15, brunch at BJ's.

In the spring of 2015 Sofi joined her high school's badminton team.
She enjoyed it. Grandpa enjoyed the challenge of capturing
high-speed motion in poor indoor lighting.

On April 4 we got together for an Easter Egg Hunt and a nice dinner.
One of our family traditions is that after the kids find the
eggs, they hide them and the
grownups have to go looking for them.

On April 18 Sofi made a cake and we got together to celebrate Grammy's birthday. Grammy got sunbursts as birthday gifts.

In April we went to a rose farm.

In May Cassidy came back from his Naval basic training for a brief visit.

A Sunday brunch in May.

We went to Francisco's guitar recital in May. Grandpa thinks the kid is good. You can see and hear his recital at YouTube. And jamming with our neighbor,
Bill in June.

In May we went to San Francisco for lunch with Larry's cousin, Eva.

Sometimes we go for a Saturday brunch at Worth Our Weight, in which
Sofi was serving a culinary apprenticeship. The menu is short,
but the food is very good.

This year Sofi planted a garden at Grammy and Granpa's house. The
results were bountiful. Tomatoes, green and red peppers,
cilantro, squash, and zucchini.

Zak and his friend, Bradley, having lunch at Adele's. Note the ever-present cell phone in Zak's hands. Teenagers!

Judy with her friend, Jana.

In June Sofi and Grammy made frosted cookies and sent them to Cassidy who was stationed in South Caroline.

A zucchini dish with muenster cheese and tomatoes, made by Grammy with one of Sofi's zucchiniis. Grandpa likes this dish.

In June Larry got together with his old friend, Dave, to spend a week
in Key West. The town has feral chickens, descended from fighting
roosters brought by
Cuban immigrants at the start of the 20th century. We rented
scooters, drank beer and cider at any hour of the day, and fed on hot
fudge sundaes. Warm
breezes, music in the streets, a Mallory Square show every night, and red sails in the sunset.

More harvests from the garden. The plot in front of Sofi is hers, the one in back is Grandpa's

The start of Camp Hudson 2015. If you'd like to see more of it, including our trip to Disneyland (!!!), see the video on YouTube.

Francisco and Bill jamming in June. See the video.

Our British cousin, Olivia, came for a visit in July. The proceedings were solemn.

In July the Erics went to Montecito, the camp where Francisco is being trained as a counselor.

One day in August Sofi and Grandpa realized that they were both wearing shirts with T-Rex images.

In August the Erics went east to Baltimore, Washingrton and South
Carolina, where they visited Cassidy, and they did a little touristy
stuff besides.

Fuzzy Grandpa in a Disney shirt in August. It says, "I am here! What were your other two wishes?"

Isabelle at the beginning of school in September.

Francisco is growing a pretty good beard, says Grandpa, who ought to
know. Here is Isabelle on the new deck her parents just put up.

Isabelle and Eric share a fondness for root beer floats.

Evan, Alan, Cindy, and Amy.

Judy took this photo of Rosemary and her family in September. Rosemary died in November.

Sofi and Zak's birthday dinner in September.

It was a hot summer. The forecast came true.

Isabelle spent a few days with us in September while her parents went to a concert.

Brunch at the Piner Cafe.

Sofi and her friend, Nathan, after school.

Sofi took this picture of California fall foliage in mid-October.

Grammy and Grandpa have taken Sofi and Zak on college visits.
Sofi is a senior in high school now. We've been to CSU East
Bay (Hayward), CSU Chico,
CSU Humboldt, CSU San Jose, and CSU Sonoma (in Rohnert Park).

Photos of our Thanksgiving. See the video.

Sofi whipping up something special at her house.

Grammy with her friends Jean and Bernice, who came to visit in December.
have just seen photos of 12-10-15
Photos from the past
year or so.
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